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Super Greens Powder | Alkalising Super Greens for Immunity and Detox


Organic Greens Powder

It’s everywhere in the media and all the celebs are doing it: detoxing.

But why? Because now, more than ever, we live in polluted times. The most damaging toxins we face are likely to come from the environment, including from the food we eat, the water we drink and bathe in and the products we use on our skin and in our homes.

Additionally, our high-stress lives can be ‘toxic’ to our bodies by creating overly acidic blood which many naturopaths believe is the forerunner to disease.

The sheer amount of toxins that we are exposed to, however, means that our detoxification systems can sometimes benefit from a helping hand.  

The welcome effects can be more energy, improved immune function, reduced congestion and inflammation, and brighter skin, hair and eyes.  


Organic Greens Powder

Barley grass
is extremely alkalising and rich in essential vitamins and minerals, it's also an abundant source of chlorophyll - a compound that converts sunlight into energy within the plant. When chlorophyll is consumed it releases a flow of oxygen into the bloodstream, detoxing the body of harmful toxins and impurities, it has the ability to bind to and flush out toxic chemicals and heavy metals.

Wheatgrass heals, cleanses, alkalises and builds the blood. Wheatgrass offers protection from radiation and cellular damage, regenerating damaged cells and tissues. It is such a powerful cleanser that it is recommended to start slowly to avoid detox symptoms such as headaches, rashes and nausea.

Spirulina is a potent detoxifier and an excellent chelating agent to remove toxins and radioactive substances from the body. It is also rich in chlorophyll that help cleanses the liver, kidneys and blood of toxins and metabolic impurities including excess uric acid.

One of the most unique benefits of Chlorella is its ability to detox environmental toxins safely from the body. The mucopolysaccharides that make up the cell wall of Chlorella bind with toxins such as heavy metals (including mercury), pesticides  and carry them safely out of the body in a process called "chelation".

The high polyphenol content in Moringa protects the liver from oxidative stress, toxicity and damage. As the primary organ for blood detoxification, keeping the liver in tip-top condition is essential when embarking on a detox and cleanse. Studies show that Moringa facilitates the faster elimination of toxins and decreases the negative effect of alcohol on the liver, making this a great superfood to add to a morning after smoothie.



Many studies have shown that disease struggles to thrive in an alkaline environment. 

Acidosis (high levels of acid resulting from low alkalinity) is a common problem today as many people eat highly processed foods and sugars.

If you want to prevent chronic diseases from flourishing in your body, creating an alkaline environment is essential.

Super Greens provide vital alkalising benefits for the body and help you maintain a healthy immune system.

But what makes this blend stand out is that there are only 8 organic superfoods so you can get enough health-boosting benefits from each superfood, and not a long list of ingredients like other brands have on the market.

Green Superfood Powder

You can find all alkalising and nutrient-dense superfoods in our Super Greens Blend. We use only certified Organic and non-GMO ingredients. It is sustainably sourced and batch tested for quality and purity.

Super Greens Powder - A blend of 8 real food organic ingredients to boost your immune health, support detox and provide you an easy intake of nutritious greens. With added fruits to boost immunity and for natural vitamin C.


Organic Greens Powder


 Green Superfood Powder